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Network Working Group O. S. deSouza
Internet Draft M. A. Rodrigues
AT&T Bell Laboratories
April 30, 1993
Guidelines for Running OSPF
Over Frame Relay Networks
Status of this Memo
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documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas,
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This memo specifies guidelines for implementors and users of the
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing protocol to bring about
improvements in how the protocol runs over frame relay networks.
We show how to configure frame relay interfaces in a way that
obviates the "full-mesh" connectivity required by current OSPF
implementations. This allows for simpler, more economic network
designs. These guidelines do not require any protocol changes;
they only provide recommendations for how OSPF should be
implemented and configured to use frame relay networks efficiently.
This memo is the result of work done in the OSPF Working Group of
the IETF. Comments and contributions from several sources,
especially Fred Baker of ACC, John Moy of Proteon, and Bala
Rajagopalan of AT&T Bell Laboratories are included in this work.
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Internet Draft OSPF over Frame Relay April 30, 1993
1. Introduction
A frame relay (FR) network provides virtual circuits (VCs) to
interconnect attached devices. Each VC is uniquely identified at
each FR interface by a Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI). RFC
1294 specifies the encapsulation of multiprotocol traffic over FR
[1]. The devices on a FR network may either be fully
interconnected with a "mesh" of VCs, or partially interconnected.
OSPF characterizes FR networks as non-broadcast multiple access
(NBMA) because they can support more than two attached routers, but
do not have a broadcast capability [2]. Under the NBMA model, the
physical FR interface on a router corresponds to a single OSPF
interface through which the router is connected to one or more
neighbors on the FR network; all the neighboring routers must also
be directly connected to each other over the FR network. Hence
OSPF implementations that use the NBMA model for FR do not work
when the routers are partially interconnected. Further, the
topological representation of a multiple access network has each
attached router bi-directionally connected to the network vertex
with a single link metric assigned to the edge directed into the
We see that the NBMA model becomes more restrictive as the number
of routers connected to the network increases. First, the number of
VCs required for full-mesh connectivity increases quadratically
with the number of routers. Public FR services typically offer
performance guarantees for each VC provisioned by the service. This
means that real physical resources in the FR network are devoted to
each VC, and for this the customer eventually pays. The expense for
full-mesh connectivity thus grows quadratically with the number of
interconnected routers. We need to build OSPF implementations that
allow for partial connectivity over FR. Second, using a single
link metric (per TOS) for the FR interface does not allow OSPF to
weigh some VCs more heavily than others according to the
performance characteristics of each connection. To make efficient
use of the FR network resources, it should be possible to assign
different link metrics to different VCs.
These limitations of the current OSPF model for FR become more
severe as the network size increases, and render FR technology less
cost effective than it could be for large networks. We propose
solutions to these problems that do not increase complexity by much
and do not require any changes to the OSPF protocol.
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Internet Draft OSPF over Frame Relay April 30, 1993
2. Summary of Recommendations
We propose expanding the general view of an OSPF interface to
account for its functional type (point-to-point, broadcast, NBMA)
rather than its physical type. In most instances, the physical
network can only serve one function and can only be defined as one
type of OSPF interface. For multiplexed interfaces such as FR
however, logical connections between routers can serve different
functions. Hence one VC on a FR interface can be viewed distintly
from other VCs on the same physical interface. The solution
requires that OSPF be able to support logical interfaces (networks)
as well as physical interfaces. Each logical network can be either
point-to-point, that is, a single VC, or NBMA, that is, a
collection of VCs. It is not necessary to define new interface
types for logical networks, since the operation of the protocol
over logical point-to-point networks and logical NBMA networks
remains the same as for the corresponding physical networks. For
instance, logical point-to-point links could be numbered or
unnumbered. It is only necessary for implementations to provide
the hooks that give users the ability to configure an individual VC
as a logical point-to-point network or a collection of VCs as a
logical NBMA network.
The NBMA model does provide some economy in OSPF protocol
processing and overhead and is the recommended mode of operation
for small homogeneous networks. Other than the Designated Router
(DR) and the backup Designated Router (BDR), each router maintains
only two adjacencies, one each with the DR and BDR, regardless of
the size of the NBMA network. When FR VCs are configured as
point-to-point links, a router would have many more adjacencies to
maintain, resulting in increased protocol overhead. If all VCs were
to have comparable performance characteristics as well, there may
not be compelling reasons to assign a different link metric to each
3. Implementing OSPF over FR
We recommend that OSPF router implementations be built so that
administrators can configure network layer interfaces that consist
of one or more FR VCs within a single physical interface. Each
logical network interface could then be configured as the
appropriate type of OSPF interface, that is, point-to-point for a
single VC, or NBMA for a collection of VCs. This capability would
allow a router to belong to one or more distinct IP subnets on a
single physical FR interface. Thus, it is necessary that the
router be able to support multiple IP addresses on a single
physical FR interface. As with physical NBMA networks, logical
NBMA networks must be full-mesh connected. While logical point-to-
point links can be either numbered or unnumbered, we show that it
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Internet Draft OSPF over Frame Relay April 30, 1993
is easier to implement routers to handle numbered logical point-
to-point links.
3.1 Numbered Logical Interfaces
The router administrator should be able to configure numbered
logical interfaces over FR as follows:
STEP 1: Configure the physical interface specifying relevant
parameters such as the slot, connector, and port numbers,
physical frame format, encoding, and clock mode. In its
internal interface MIB [3], the router should create a new
ifEntry in the ifTable, assign the physical interface an
ifIndex, and increment the ifNumber by one.
STEP 2: Configure the data-link layer over the interface,
specifying frame relay as the encapsulation method.
Parameters such as the DLCI encoding type and length,
maximum frame size, management interface (Annex D, LMI),
and address resolution procedure (manual, inverse ARP). If
a management interface is not supported, FR VCs must be
configured manually.
STEP 3: Configure the IP network layer for the interface by
specifying the number of logical interfaces and the IP
address and subnet mask for each numbered logical
interface. Specify the VCs (by DLCI) associated with each
logical network interface if there is more than one. If an
address resolution protocol such as Inverse ARP [4] is
being used, it should suffice to specify a list of IP
addresses for the FR interface and have Inverse ARP create
the DLCI-IP address binding.
STEP 4: Configure OSPF to run over each logical interface as
appropriate, specifying the necessary interface parameters
such as area ID, link metric, protocol timers and
intervals, DR priority, and list of neighbors (for the DR).
OSPF interfaces consisting of one VC can be treated as
point-to-point links while multi-VC OSPF interfaces are
treated as NBMA subnets. In its internal OSPF MIB [5], the
router should create additional entries in the ospfIfTable
each with the appropriate ospfIfType (nbma or
3.2 Unnumbered Point-to-Point Logical Interfaces
OSPF uses the IP address to instance each numbered interface.
However, since an unnumbered point-to-point link does not have an
IP address, the ifIndex from the interface MIB is used instead [5].
This is straightforward for a physical point-to-point network,
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Internet Draft OSPF over Frame Relay April 30, 1993
since the ifIndex is assigned when the interface is configured.
Logical interfaces over FR however, do not have distinct and unique
values for ifIndex. To allow OSPF to instance unnumbered logical
point-to-point links, it is necessary to assign each such link a
unique ifIndex in STEP 3 above. This could lead to some confusion
in the interfaces table since a new ifTable entry would have to be
created for each logical point-to-point link. This type of
departure from the standard practice of creating interface table
entries only for physical interfaces could be viewed as an
unnecessary complication.
Alternatively, it is possible to build a private MIB that contains
data structures to instance unnumbered logical links. However,
making recommendations for the structure and use of such a private
MIB is beyond the scope of this work. Even if unnumbered point-
to-point logical links were implemented in this manner, it would
still be necessary to allow a FR interface to be configured with
multiple IP addresses when a router is connected to multiple NBMA
subnets through a single physical interface. Hence, while it is
possible to define unnumbered logical point-to-point links in OSPF,
we find this alternative less attractive than using numbered
logical point-to-point links.
4. Using OSPF over FR
The ability to configure distinct logical interfaces over FR gives
users a great deal of flexibility in designing FR networks for use
with OSPF. Because routers can be partially interconnected over FR,
it is possible to design networks more cost-effectively than
before. The issues to consider are the price/cost structure for VCs
(fixed, distance-sensitive, banded) and ports, performance
guarantees provided, traffic distribution (local, long-haul), and
protocol efficiency. We have mentioned that the NBMA model provides
some economy in OSPF protocol processing and overhead and is
recommended for small homogeneous networks. In general, users
should configure their networks to contain several small "NBMA
clusters," which are in turn interconnected by long-haul VCs. The
best choices for the number of routers in each cluster and the size
of the long-haul logical point-to-point links depends on the
factors mentioned above. If it is necessary to architect a more
"flat" network, the ability to assign different link metrics to
different (groups of) VCs allows for greater efficiency in using FR
resources since VCs with better performance characteristics
(throughput, delay) could be assigned lower link metrics.
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Internet Draft OSPF over Frame Relay April 30, 1993
5. Conclusion
We have specified guidelines for OSPF implementors and users to
bring about improvements in how the protocol runs over frame relay
networks. These recommendations do not require any protocol changes
and allow for simpler, more efficient and cost-effective network
designs. We recommend that OSPF implementations be able to support
logical interfaces, each consisting of one or more virtual circuits
and used as numbered logical point-to-point links (one VC) or
logical NBMA networks (more than one VC). The current NBMA model
for frame relay should continue to be used for small homogeneous
networks consisting of a few routers.
6. References
1. T. Bradley, C. Brown, and A. Malis, "Multiprotocol Interconnect
over Frame Relay," Internet RFC 1294, January 1992.
2. J. Moy, "OSPF Version 2," Internet RFC 1247, July 1991.
3. K. McCloghrie and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
Network Management of TCP/IP-based Internets: MIB-II," Internet
RFC 1213, March 1991.
4. T. Bradley and C. Brown, "Inverse Address Resolution Protocol,"
Internet RFC 1293, January 1992.
5. F. Baker and R. Coltun, "OSPF Version 2 Management Information
Base," Internet RFC 1252, August 1991.
7. Authors' Addresses
Osmund S. deSouza
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Room 1K-606
101 Crawfords Corner Road
Holmdel, NJ 07733
Email: osmund.desouza@att.com
Phone: (908) 949-1393
Manoel A. Rodrigues
Room 1K-608
AT&T Bell Laboratories
101 Crawfords Corner Road
Holmdel, NJ 07733
Email: manoel.rodrigues@att.com
Phone: (908) 949-4655
deSouza, Rodrigues Expires 10/30/93 [Page 6]